Yes Sir, you've got a good one there. I think she realizes, that in case of a world class calamity, she and you will be able to at least eat, while the rest of the population, are busy trying to take what they can from those weaker than them. Now, you can practice your wilderness living, and foraging skills. Learn the local edible plants, and making fish traps, and snares, and other primitive traps. Not that you should actually use them,

but learn how to.

Also learn to make primitive shelters, deep in the forests, near a water source, but too close. Learn to make a suitable water craft, even it is just a poncho, or plastic sheeting canoe. All things that will serve you well, even if it is only for the knowledge. Just don't let the Sheriff of Nottingham, catch in Sherwood forest!

Well sir, I would hoist a pint (Pabst Blue Ribbon) to the two of you, but.....but.....I have to go to the store, to get some more, as I am out!!!

Glad to hear that all went well, and there were no, harsh comments about your mental capacity to process normal, and ethically practical, eating behavior, as is perceived by the masses.

Well keep us posted of other gastronomical adventures you dare to step into. Enjoyed this thread. We have, or had a book over here called the road kill cafe. Had road kill recipes in it.

Perhaps you should write a book on the delicacy of road kill, and pest control dietary delights. Sort of a vagabonds Epicurean guide to the back road travelers, menu and recipes of fine dining.
