Blackhawk- if i remember correctly, it was father's day weekend and you were goin' campin. Otherwise I would've stopped.

Turtle- that's 90+ yr old yew that I have. I needed some fresh stuff so it would be properly seasoned when I'm 130.

Carson-It was a pleasure to meet you. I wish I would've been a little more flush. I would've bought some shaft from you as well as the cherry bark. I appreciate the kind words, but if you intend to pick my mind for more than ten minutes, you better use a very small pick and take lots of breaks! Lol!
Ed-is there such a thing as bad yew? I'm betting that stuff you have will make fine bows!
Marco- I will utilize that little hemlock, so its all good.
Weylin-I'll be out there again and next time I'll give more notice. It sounds like you were having a great time anyway!
Thanks again! Josh