I guess this is the right place for introductions...
About a year ago I switched from working 60-80 hours per week to a hard 40. This has given me tons of extra play time, so I've made a couple of bee hives, a chicken coop, numerous bookcases, and most recently a board bow.
Bee's are doing good, I've got some wax and about 5 lbs of honey. Chickens are starting to lay. Bookcases are, well, holding books.
The board bow? Not so good.
After watching some youtube and reading TBB vol 1&2, I picked up a maple board from the local Home Depot. It was a truly horrible selection of wood, but I grabbed what I still think was one of the better turds in the pile.
The bow looked decent at brace, but while stretching it a few inches further, I heard a crack. Nothing dramatic, but the bottom limb is done, stick a fork in it done.
Sticking with the motto "If you're not breaking bows, you're not making bows", I'm not giving up. However, I don't really look forward to hitting the hardware store to look thru another pile.
While wondering the woods around my creek, I came across a relatively straight hedge tree. At least a section of it is straight. It has a diameter of right around 8 inches.
(trying to attach a pic)
Do you think there might be a bow hiding in there? I hope so, unless someone sees a reason not to, then I think I'll get to play with my chainsaw soon.