Or did you find out a bow tillered to 28" will likely break pulling it to 32"?? I'm not following the logic of your experiment. One of the first things I learned about bow making was... don't overdraw it... it'll likely break. I believe you pushed past the limits of the wood.
Adb, of course I knew that overdrawing a bow would likely break it.

Perhaps "experiment" isn't the best word. There wasn't really much of a logical procedure that went into this bow, I was merely trying to bend it as far as possible, so you could say I was asking for it to blow up. After I reached 28 I simply stopped tillering and just pulled more, as I was surprised enough that it made it all the way to 28.

The Reason why I wanted 24 was that 24 is my younger sister's draw length, and after I got it to 32 she saw it and wanted the bow. Then of course is when bows decide to blow up.