im new to traditional archery,wanted to introduce myself,i live in northern p.a.,im 26,im a husband and a father, im an avid hunter,i got sick of my componds,i just cant get satisfaction out of them anymore.a couple years ago a friend of mine gave me an old bear recurve and i fell in love with traditional,then recently another friend gave me his bear recurve so now i have a 40# grizzly and a 50# black bear,i really want to build a selfbow and ive got a piece of black locust drying right now,but im gonna have to wait awhile for that to dry out,thats o.k. though i have bows to shoot until then,i live on 132 acres that is full of bow wood,so im gonna cut some more staves sometime,i have black locust,maple,ash,and cherry.i thought while i wait for staves to dry i would build a laminated long bow this winter,since nothing needs dried for that,maybe ill even try to make some arrows too!well i guess thats about it for my introduction,happy hunting everyone!