Yeah, Anthrax is just wonderful.

Like our own idiots in the government research dept.s , the Scottish geniuses told the sheep herders, who used an island for sheep grazing for centuries, that they were going to test the Anthrax on that island, but not to worry, they had everything under scientific control, and they would eradicate any trace of Anthrax on the island, and all would be well again. Well they did their testing. And...... after years, of scorched earth, digging, and scorching again, chemicals, etc. .......the island is still uninhabitable. Nor can it be used for sheep grazing, since Anthrax is still detected there. Well, that certainly worked out well for all, didn't it?!! As for Rabies having a "spore" state, I don't have a clue. I do know it is a virus, and can be air borne, and inhaled. Whether or not you can acquire the virus that way, again, I don't know, only what I read about the cave explorers. But it seems that if it enters your lungs, it would be brought into the blood stream. Don't know for certain, just seems like it would. Not a biologist. Still it wouldn't hurt to take along a good respirator, when "Spelunking".

Let us know what you find out about the Rabies virus being airborne, and any dangers of it. I know for the first years of Aids scare, they were saying it was only contagious by blood contact, or sex,and not by insect vectors either. Well while they were saying that, Dr. Whiteside, here in Fl. was disputing that, being as how mosquitoes inject an anticoagulant, before sucking the blood. If that mosquito is infected with aids, it will inject the virus. Some Dr.s stated it would not be enough to contract aids. Not enough?

Plus there was an elderly couple in their upper 80's who contracted Aids. One had contracted through blood transfusion, the other only shared the same glass that they stored their dentures in. Sex? I strongly doubt it. The denture glass was the only thing that they shared. Both had Aids. One after the other contracted it through the transfusion.
The the CDC told Dr. Whiteside, and others, there will not be any more Aids cases reported. Nice. Our Gov. at our side.

Anywho, just be careful, either way.
