Thanks a lot munkinstein for the link,but I've got this fella that says he can upgrade my XP computer here with a couple of chips to run faster,[says he bought them on e-bay and is waiting for them to come in the mail]then I thought I'd have him straighten out the sizing on my pictures too.He's already gotten rid of a bunch of stuff on this computer that I don't need and it is runnung a little faster.Hopefully this week sometime I'll have this computer in shape.
adb....I think your right.
juniper junkie....Nice cherry bow.My strung up profile looks about the same as yours.Since you can send pictures how about some more?Liked to see that sturgeon back once.Liked to get some of that sturgeon skin sometime too.I got some elk leg tendons for ya.What is the length,poundage,& draw on your bow?Mine's got an above average cast too and is a blast to shoot.Mine starts out with 4" backset then after 4 hours of string time it gives the arrow a fat 2 and 1/2"backset to the arrow.Returns to 4" backset in 24 hours.I put a heavy amount of sinew on the inner limbs where she works the most and lightened up the outer limbs.I have a couple more staves of it and will try without sinew[maybe thin deer rawhide],flip the tips,and heat treat the belly some once.
blackhawk...better late than never right?
catnapper...If you got some 6 to 8 inch thick trees there take em home.Smaller will work too I guess.