I wanted to make just a simple no frills basic bendy handle osage at the shoot in marshall...guess I wasn't the only one cus Paulsemp had the same idea

...so simple bows we built...I started chasing a ring about ten o clock in the morn and by 5:30 I was ready to shoot it,but I had to do some venison steaks,tenderloins,n backstraps first for dinner

...anyways pearl took his he made,and paul took his he made and cody tagged along and we went and shot the course shooting our bows in with a scraper n sandpaper in my back pocket,but none of us needed em cus we made our bows out of the king

...it just goes to show it don't take long to make a simple bow..in between that time I also shot a round,bs'ed with folks,took a lunch break,and a I watch the kids break,and I prob only spent 4 hours(still a generous guess) of actual work time before I was ready to shoot it...and that was with nothing but handtools only,and no tiller sticks or trees,or scales to weigh it while tillering or after(until today I scaled it)...I also kept it simple by never once touching it with a heat gun,so zero heat shaping or corrections...just took a stick and widdled it down....el natural...I do enjoy making a bow that way from time to time

so it came out at 58" ntn...61@27"...pin nocks...hempwrap handle...n that's it

almost forgot to mention this was made from very tight ringed osage....the rings are +/- 1/32"...heres a crappy shot of em