Stickboy, I can't take credit for it. Those wonderful nomads from the North Wolfwatcher and Hawk were wearing them @ the Classic. I PMd WW to make sure it was cool for me to make one for my son and have him wear it to Cloverdale. In a nut shell, he said it was cool.
Thanks for the info Dharma, interesting. My wife and I went to the Grand Canyon and the Hopi reservation on our honeymoon in 2001. Loved it out there. No disrepect, but I'm gonna give the one Silas made to him next Saturday on our way to our first shoot together. It will be the hornstone one with a buckskin thong for the necklace. I'm still wearing the white one, but may give it to my buddy who puts on the UWCs son, he's 13, from Tailand and loves archery and can throw a broom stick like a spear like no bodies business.
Here is a shot of the one I've been wearing, with the yucca cord necklace.
Thanks for the replys everyone, PD, you crack me up, dpg