Our season ended Last SATURDAY. HICKORY BILL your not the only one that can shoot thier jake decoy ( LUDALE ). I shot though ones fan at 12 yards a stuck LUDALE to a stump. I also shot another season second last day in a strut zone at 25 yards. Out of my zone but it was lsate in the season only had another day. I'd called up 24 gobblers in shot gun range 40 yards or less. And a couple others around 50,55. In range of my 3 1/2. So the one I hit at 25 was the 25 th gobbler with in shot gun range. My best to date back in 92 or 93 I called up (taged out in 3 states MD,WV,VA WITH 6 GOBBLERS 1 WITH SElF BOW. MY FRIENDS AND HUNTERS I WAS GUIDEING KILLED 6 OTHERS. It was none in 51 days this year I only hunted 33 in WV. Had a good another 20 ,30 gobblers OUT IN THE FIELDS that could have died If I'd ever use a rifle. NEVER HAVE NOR WANT TO. Thats turkey shoting not turkey hunting.
The one I hit had his fan to me but his body was turned a little and I passed through behind his wing. From the back is how I get 98% of my shots.
Only kill was LUDALE MY JAKE DECOY. I'd brought him back to life twice with tire patchs from being spurred. But those trade point holes where just to big. My and BRIER gave him a traditional indain bural. Burt him in the fire barrel Said a little prayer for his loyality since 2001 when I got him. Sure his hens will miss him at lest untill I buy another one for next spring.