A comfortable draw for me with warbows is 30". The majority of the arrows recovered from The Mary Rose are 30.5", so I guess most Tudor era archers would agree. I have 2 buddies that can draw 31" and 32", but they're both well over 6' tall, with longer arms and broader shoulders than mine.
Yeah, and weren't people generally a little bit shorter/smaller back then? I think the way you draw is more important than the actual length. When I go and shoot for fun, I don't draw 32". It is quite uncomfortable and unnatural for me to draw 32", as I am a bit short of statue,

. I do prefer to shoot across the chest and well behind my ear with most all my bows, recurve or warbow alike. I think I am more accurate that way. Although sometimes I will draw with an anchor at my chin or so with a shorter bow. I gave up on 32", and just settled on 30" or so, which is more natural to me.... Although than again I always watch those videos on youtube of all those japanese archers drawing 36" +, like 14 year old girls and stuff, and that just makes me feel like a big wuss,
