That's a fine shooter Bryce !!!! almost as nice as the VM you sent me 

Dang, I didn't think you kids actually listened to an old fart like me 
Hey when your right, your right

sweet bend pinecone, some righty is gonna love it, bub
Thank you sir
you should be proud of that bow. you did a fine out Gordon you got one coming up in your rearview mirror.
Thank you Ohma, I do t think he's got anything to worry about. Lol. Years away from that type of perfection.
Now that there is a fine bow! Lean and lithe, uncluttered and tillered to perform! Oh how I'm digging this bow! Superbly done sir! Josh
Thanks josh I'm glad you like it.
Good looking bow,tiller is dead on. 
Thank you mr.pappy
You guys are too nice. Thanks again.