I recieved my rasps back from sharpening and I am very pleased to say the least. I had a few rejected if you notice the red dye on the ends that what that means.
I don't have any pictures of the biggest one it was the sharpest I believe. I can take pictures and put them up of it if you want me to.
This is the second biggest it was rejected but it is still sharp this is my second favorite I believe.

This is the one I was most hopeful for but cuts the worst of the farriers rasps it was also rejected.

Here is the next biggest (weight wise) it aslo was rejected but I like it too I don't know if the bigger ones cut better or if the weight helps them out?

Here is the Nicolson its not a 49 or 50 it just has nicholson and made in the USA on it I also think the tip is broke off.

Just a bastard file that was rusted up and didn't cut very well it sharpened up nice too.\

This is a Nicholson Cabinet rasp I knew it would be rejected its teeth very really bad when I sent them out looks like someone tried to use it for metal work.

I also had the really large farriers rasp sharpened and it is my favorite it cuts the best in my opinion. I also sent off a rasp that looked very similar to a Nicholson 49 and thought I might get lucky but it ended up being a rasp made in West Germany. Does anyone know more about this rasp I can post pictures if needed? I won't use all of these rasps but it is cool to just have them something made in the USA which will be rare I believe in the future they might not be worth much but I think they are neat especially the West Germany rasp too. Overall I highly recommend Boggs tool for sharpening rasps I am pleased with them and will say they did a great job.