If it was suppling a degree of safety how come the splinter lifted under it? Do you get where i'm coming from?
Is a bow that has splinters lifting on the back really a bow? Like I said I only like to do things to the best of my ability and I don't see a linen/silk/woven fabric as a truely safe way of backing a belly wood that isn't good enough to become a selfbow.
The 'primitives' would have used the best materials available just like any craftsman would. They knew what they were doing and certainly wouldn't have used substandard materials for a bow. A bow takes a lot of time and effort to make with stone tools - prime material to start with would have been the aim. If you gave a 'primitive' man a slightly dodgy grained board and some linen and a split stave i'm pretty sure I know which he would chose. We however have the ability to go and buy boards....fair enough...seems like a quick and easy way to make a bow...but (and it's a big but

) you had better know what to look for and understand the principles of how a backing works to be able to make durable, safe bows from boards.
Hey don't get me wrong I totally respect you for doing the test. Testing things to destruction is how i've learnt a lot of what I know about bows....and it's just plain fun