Pappy, I am such a novice that I figured my draw by holding a yardstick out in front to my finger tips. I really doubt that I draw 29", because not having shot a bow in so long (25 years) drawing that bow is really tough. I am guessing that my real draw length is probably more like 26". I will try to ease that hinge at the top and reduce the bottom at the last third to even up the limbs. I will post again when I get that done.
Beadman, you are right, I have never broken a bow, this is my very first attempt at even trying to make a bow. I have no woodworking skills or background and really have little idea how to correctly shoot a bow. I am less than a novice, I am an absolute beginner. This just looked like something neat to do with minimal tools and maximum patience.
I am not sure what Pappy is saying about patching or to pike it, that is how little I know about this craft.

thanks George, I will not full draw it until I work on that hinge.
I figure if I make a lot of mistakes and how to correct them I will learn more than if I were to accidentally make a great bow my first time out. So if it breaks, so be it. I will learn from it. I would like to make more bows so failure is not a problem for me. I get lots and lots of wood for nothing so other than sweat and time to split and tiller it I have nothing invested.
Thanks to everyone for the replies and great advice!