well that got y'alls attention now didn't it
Friday after work I decided to go cut me some ash seeing how there isn't much left around anymore since the emerald ash borer has moved in and raped all the ash trees...

I knew there where some storms coming but it looked like I had enough of a window to pull it off(more about that later)....I had this tree marked to cut this spring,but thought there was only two trunk sections,and I was wrong after knocking it down with my four year old son I saw it had four sections of trunk to split and carry it all out...

it had some decent rings for the bad soil(clay n rocks) around here...

I carried the first quarter out of the first section out,and i was hearing some rumbles of thunder..uh oh...I hurried and told my son to keep up before it hit us...well I got him back home dry before it hit...since the tree was down and my chips were all in,i had to continue rain or shine to get it all out...I went back and on my next trip out I heard a freight train coming with really close claps of lightning n thunder striking all around...oh crap...im thinking the worst and know what that sound means(a possible tornado)... so im moving with a quarter on my shoulders as fast as I can...but too late...I soon find out what that freight train was....golf ball sized hail came down in a fury pelting the $#%! out of me...yeah...it hurt and welted me...I just kept moving and coming close to the house my wife sees me asking if im ok knowing I just got caught with my pants down in it....

...after it passed we had to check for any damage to any property,but all was ok thank god...on my way back to get another quarter I stopped to take a pic of a piece of hail...it was ten+ minutes after it came down that I snapped this pic n it all started melting fast,but this gives ya an idea of what was hitting me in the head...lol

the rain only stopped for about 15 minutes then it did nothing but rain the rest of the night even after I was done....it was miserable fun....also on one trek out a big 50 foot+ branch came crashing down across my trail 15 feet before I crossed it...yeesh...what a night...I made 16 back n forth trips and when I added up the mileage it was just shy of seven miles....I kept thinking to myself ..I only do this kind of stuff for osage so this better be decent wood....I got about 30 bows out of this tree...this is what I looked like drenched from heat to toe(literally) when I finished getting it all


You think I wood be smart enough and never do that again anytime soon....WRONG!!!...im a sucker and a glutton for punishment

today I went after a red oak....it made a nice boom hitting the forest floor

I forgot my phone,and I took these pics after I had already split n peeled n carried out the first section of trunk...I took the first two sections of trunk

and i ended up with about 34 bows worth...lot of them have a piggyback split and or split in two again...not bad

ok..im done for today,and gonna go lay n recover on the couch for the rest of the eve