Than maybe a rawhide backing . Doesn't have all the benefits of sinew , but it works and isnt a pain to apply . If not than just keep that back burnished like crazy . Dude ! Get some sinew and hide glue !
I wanted to try something new, I did a rawhide job on my last bow 50" camo molly. I really wanted a self bow this time. Funny thing this bow is faster than the 60lbs molly. I'm thinking that the rawhide and camo cloth added too much weight to the limbs of the molly. I've use hide glue but no sinew... that will change once I find a source. Thanks Pappy, ifbi ever get as accomplished a bowyer as you ill be a happy man
. Smoke I was the same waylast year. Make one, post it and learn from any mistakes. The guys on here are more than happy to help a fellow boywer out.