Little bow and quiver combo.
The bow is 60" t2t, 58" n2n, hackberry bow pulling 34#@28" and, with a rawhide backing covered by a western diamondback snake skin. I was going to add a leather hand wrap but the skin turned out so nice I couldn't cover it up. It is shoot off the hand style but I still cut the bow for a right handed shooter to bring the arrow a little closer to center. Very quiet, low to no vibration and pretty darn fast with a 400 grn arrow for a 34# bow.
The quiver is also from a Western Diamondback, although a substantially larger specimen of snake-zilla proportions that was sent to me by a hunting buddy from Texas. The pattern was so large that I thought it would get lost on a bow, thus the quiver was born.
Hope you enjoy, full draw and more vanity pics to follow.