Author Topic: Steaming VM?  (Read 3411 times)

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Offline BigWapiti

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Steaming VM?
« on: November 10, 2007, 01:08:02 pm »
I have a stave that I'm working, I really like the look of it, except - when I finally got it floor tillered to place a string on it, it took a shape where the string was crossing about an inch off center of the handle.  This might have been while it was curing as I don't recall it being off so much when I first laid it out.  I can see a couple of places where if I could get it to bend/reshape, it would work fine.

Can VM be bent using steam, or heat, or?

I'm actually trying my own approach now, not yet having a means of steaming.  I've put the stave in my vice, protecting the back.  wrapped a wet rag around it, with plastic around that, where I want to try to get a bend - then I have hung a bucket of weights off the limb in an appropriate location hoping I'll get it to do some reshaping.  Nothing like trial and error innovation. :)

Gordon, am I correct in thinking I've heard you mention you've not had much luck trying to reshape VM?  I recall reading something, but can't seem to find the post.  Maybe I'm wrong...


Mike B.
Central Washington State
"Take a kid hunting, it'll make a WORLD of difference" -me


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Re: Steaming VM?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2007, 02:09:40 pm »
vine maple steamed well for me the two time I tried  it as for something to steam with I use the wife's roasting pan with water and tin foil over everything gets good and hot in about 20 min. or a little longer when it was hot ti was like bending putty not hard at all.  Tomm

Offline BigWapiti

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Re: Steaming VM?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2007, 04:14:48 pm »
Ok, I might give that a try then -- this "wet rag" trick of mine isn't working, so far I got it to move a whole 1/8" (heheh) after having a lot of weight hanging on it for a week!!  I guess that says something for VM anyway.

After you get it to shape, how long do ya let it dry up before working it again (tillering, etc)?

Thanks Tomm.

Mike B.
Central Washington State
"Take a kid hunting, it'll make a WORLD of difference" -me

Offline Gordon

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Re: Steaming VM?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2007, 06:54:16 pm »

You can use either steam or dry heat to correct the string alignment. Check out my hazelnut build-a-long for how I aligned the string. You can use the same technique for VM.
