Here's my latest bow! When I was debarking a longer stave I cut pretty deep into the rings so I cut it down to about a 4ft stave which had some limb twist (

) (As you can see in the f/d pics) and a knot but it turned out allright for a salvaged stave, nothing too fancy though.

The lower limb is a bit weaker than the upper limb but I'll leave it and learn for next time.
I tried to steam bend some setback into it but it didn't really take because I eas just using my knee and wasn't steaming long enough. But, I gave it some very slight recurves and those work.
Bend in the handle plains-ish style bow with flipped tips
47" long
1" at the handle, 1 1/2" most of the limb, tapering to half inch tips
Takes about 1 1/2" of set but the flipped tips bring the tips to just infront of the handle even at the height of set.
Tru-oil Jacobeam stain and regular water based paint (just made up the design).
Approxmately 45-50lbs at 22"
Photo bucket tends to make the pictures bigger than they should be but if you go up to 'View" and turn the zoom down to 75% you should have no problem viewing the full picture.


Upper limb:

Lower limb with the knot:

Close up on the knot



Full Draw Pic!

And just some cool pics for fun.

I know the top limb is twisted and they both bend a bit more towards the fades than I think they should (I read somewhere that setback bows are supposed to do that to avoid stacking but it didn't really take to the setback so IDK), but it works allright. Critisism is appreciated as I always strive for improvement!
- Dan