Author Topic: Honey locust stave....heeeelp.  (Read 4505 times)

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Offline akila

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Honey locust stave....heeeelp.
« on: November 09, 2007, 08:04:48 pm »
Hy guys...sorry that i open i new topic with this problem but i realy dont now whatt to do with this wood.I have 4  hoaney locust stave and i dont know iff its just fire wood or is my problem.Like i first sad, the hearth off this honey locust log wass damage, so i didnt have to much options.I  wass thinking that iff i could remove the ring right under the bark it should be ok.But now i just dont know whatt to do.I will show you some pictures maybe you can tell me whatt to do.

In the first 2 pictures its one of the stave and i wanna ask you it normal that blak ring???on the back of the syave??First its an wite ring that it wass right under the bark,and thenn its this balk ring.In some places of the stave,,that wite ring its  so verry thinn,and it just this black ring.My question is ...should this black ring be removed????And another question.I have try to do this on a small piece of this honey locust wood,and you can see the result in the 3-rd picture.I try to remove this black ring and as you can see its not working verry good.The back of that small piece its not like one single ring from one end to another....becose the rings are so thinn that its imposibile to remove that black ring withoute violate the other ring.The rings under the black ring its so thinn...they dont have 1mm in thickness.I dont know iff you understand something  from whatt i try to explain here,,,,but i realy dont know whatt to do with this staves...thkss in advanse...

Offline Aries

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Re: Honey locust stave....heeeelp.
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2007, 12:18:40 am »
That is a tough call. I would get the back as close as i could to one ring, and then back the bow. It is a good enough piece of wood to make a bow out of, so why not give it a shot. I just cant really hate turning my gold into fire wood :)   Good luck  Ty
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Offline TRACY

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Re: Honey locust stave....heeeelp.
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2007, 08:07:34 am »
Not sure how thick the stave is but go down to the next ring. If you don't have enough wood then maybe glue on a handle, back it with something and see how it goes. I would definitely put the tools to it rather than burn it for heat, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Good luck
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Offline akila

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Re: Honey locust stave....heeeelp.
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2007, 08:09:48 am »
« Last Edit: November 10, 2007, 08:49:26 pm by akila »

Offline akila

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Re: Honey locust stave....heeeelp.
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2007, 08:18:33 am »
Not sure how thick the stave is but go down to the next ring. If you don't have enough wood then maybe glue on a handle, back it with something and see how it goes. I would definitely put the tools to it rather than burn it for heat, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Good luck
The stave is 2cm thick and at the handle area is thicker, the problem is that  half of the stave have verry verry thinn rings so its imposibile to try to chase a ring.Im realy confused here aboute that black ring that you can see it in the picture.I want to ask you something els..iff i could remove only that black ring on the back untill i go to the yelow ring off this honey locust stave,do you think that it will be ok??In the 3-rd picture that i post it here you can see that i did that on a small piece of this wood ,and i dont know whatt to say but id dosent look to good to me.I quess that the only option that i have is to back the stave with something.