I have a stave that I'm working, I really like the look of it, except - when I finally got it floor tillered to place a string on it, it took a shape where the string was crossing about an inch off center of the handle. This might have been while it was curing as I don't recall it being off so much when I first laid it out. I can see a couple of places where if I could get it to bend/reshape, it would work fine.
Can VM be bent using steam, or heat, or?
I'm actually trying my own approach now, not yet having a means of steaming. I've put the stave in my vice, protecting the back. wrapped a wet rag around it, with plastic around that, where I want to try to get a bend - then I have hung a bucket of weights off the limb in an appropriate location hoping I'll get it to do some reshaping. Nothing like trial and error innovation.

Gordon, am I correct in thinking I've heard you mention you've not had much luck trying to reshape VM? I recall reading something, but can't seem to find the post. Maybe I'm wrong...