Hey yall, I've been watching a few archery vids recently where they say tend to demonize vanes and say how fleathers are pretty much mandatory if you are shooting off a rest/knucke, but then later won't hesitate to use DT vanes on arrows.
I got a glass bow recently (PSE Impala #45 @ 28, 60" long. $50 used) and shot some aluminum arrows with plastic vanes, some shots miss and some shots are dead on and I'll shoot great groups. I also occasionaly shoot arrows with DT vanes out of my wood bows and its the same way. It seems more like I'm much more of a factor than stiff fletching.
I know a lot of guys have used DT fletching at one time or another and don't condem it but vanes seem to be the offspring of the devil when guys are giving talks on Trad archery. I would think with the archers paradox and other factos (like the shooter) it wouldn't really matter too much but I'm still relatively new to this so I figured I'd get your thoughts on it.
So, are vanes really that bad?