Author Topic: best wood combo? and help with pyramid design?  (Read 1527 times)

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Offline Squirrelslayer

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best wood combo? and help with pyramid design?
« on: April 30, 2013, 01:16:44 pm »
hey all as some of you may know im going on a longbow workshop on the 18th -19th of may, the course is run by a guy called Will Lord. anyway we need to contact him in advance to choose our wood here is whats available.

"For example, for the bow's back you may select a wood such as Hickory or Bamboo, with perhaps Purple Heart or Osage Orange for the centre and then Lemon wood for the belly"

so i was wondering what is the best combo? i was thinking bamboo, osage, lemonwood, how does that sound? or would it work better with a hickory back?

im also working on a pyramid board bow from a wood which i think is some kind of mahoghany. and heres my question. the board has excelent grain, very straight and maybe one runoff, but with a pyramid design dosen't the taper to the tips create lots of run offs? would i need a backing? i could back it with 3 layers of drywall tape and then do a leaf backing so it looks nice. how does this sound?

thanks for any help. SS
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Offline bubby

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Re: best wood combo? and help with pyramid design?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 02:57:31 pm »
boo osage lemonwood sound's fine to me, I hope the board you have isn't mahogany as it is brittle andnot a good choice for a bow, I don't care much for drywall tape back's, are we talking paper or the nylon stuff, just use some paper bag or some burlap, burlap look's good to me
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