Apparently this guy is a big fan of vermin like mice, rats, and the like.
Taking inco account if a single pair of mice were allowed to breed normally and drop a litter every 6 wks with 6 offspring...and those offspring were allowed the same breeding regimen, etc, etc. Well, the upshot is that around Christmas time your pair of mice and all their progeny is now almost 3/4 million mice. Two ounces of mice now totals something like 11,000 lbs of mice. Every pair of mice will eat 8 lbs of grain in a year. And every step they take they are dribbling urine, so for every lb of grain they eat, they contaminate dozens of pounds. Guess that's why the Food and Drug Administration has set limits on how much mouse whiz and rat turds are allowed per 100 lbs of hot dogs.
But hey, if this guy likes mice and hates snakes, I guess that's his thing. I guess after he squeeled like a girl when seeing the snake he had to do something to recover his machismo.