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Tanning Hides

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El Destructo:

--- Quote from: joeturc on February 12, 2008, 03:24:02 pm ---Go to this site... http: // _folder/EZ-2000%20Instructions.pdf You will find all the info you need. It's not traditional but it's one of the best "consumer" tans you can get.

--- End quote ---

Link doesnt work....not even after I added www.    so I went to rittelsupplies

Texas Pete:

--- Quote from: Slaughter on November 08, 2007, 02:39:36 pm ---TY jamie Ill try it that way... and thanx for the egg bit Thats something I didnt know....can you actually use eggs for the whole process??

--- End quote ---

You can also use Neatsfoot oil..  Pour about three capfuls in about three gallons of warm water and soak the hide in it.

Its worked for me on several occasions

Texas Pete

I disabled your links, they are not paying advertisers therefore links to their sites are not allowed,
this is a courtesy to the paying advertisers.

Thanx Pete......How long do you soak it, and Do you just dry it after or do you still need to work the hide a little, a lot??


Sorry I wasn't trying to give a free plug to the above company. I have been doing taxidermy for a while and there are many ways to preserve hides but for the most part a good tan involes a few commerically made chemicals. Brush on's are good but soaks are better.


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