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Tanning Hides

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youd never see it on the flesh side. the hair side you can see it the flesh side is tough. sanding helps to get rid of what is usually missed. peace

Ok I think I get it Ill try that.

Hey Slaughter...

I've braintanned a number of hides, including deer and elk.  I've also tanned furs with the hair on, such as beaver and raccoon. 

If you are braintanning deer, you HAVE to get the hair and epidermis off the skin, otherwise it is very, very difficult to make it soft and supple.  The epidermis won't allow the underlying fibers to stretch and fluff up, regardless of how much brians you use.  There are 2 ways to get the epidermis off...wet scrape or dry scrape. 

I used to do the dry scrape method, but I have since started doing the wet scrape and I like it much better because the quality of buckskins is better.  The best book I've ever read about the wet scrape method is titled Deerskins into Buckskins by Matt Richards.  It's a very thorough and well-written book and it should help.  There also is a website,, that should help you out as well.  If you've got any other questions, send me a PM and I'll give ya some tips and pointers as much as I can.  I've also braintanned hides with the hair on, but those were beaver and raccoon.  If you have any questions...send me a PM!

Per smoke that sucker.
 You should smoke every hide once it is done to make it water pruff so it ant hertin nothin.
this is how. brain it worck it till its about 1/2 way done than make it into a sack , string it up and run smoke through it for about 1 or 2 houres than rebrain it and worck it dry.. and you will have a soft hide. if you need me to go into more detal than sind me a pm.

whatever happened to the good ole ash and urine, or was that for raw hide I got pretty good at the rawhide dear makes good drumheads too. Yes I just remembered that is for rawhide ag lime works for removing hair.


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