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Tanning Hides

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OK I'm just about disgusted.
I've been trying to tan my own hides (hair on AND hair off) I've tried brain tanning and several different types of chemical tanning but I just can't seem to get it right.
Does anyone have a simple easiER<g> method for tanning??

Thank you in advance,

whats going wrong and what method of brain tanning are you using

Hi jamie,

Ok well The method of brain tanning is as follows...

scrape fat etc from flesh side. Then puree the brain in a food processer. Add a bit of water and boil till I have a runny sort of paste. brush on flesh side and roll it up for 1 hour. repeat that op 2 more times then a fourth coat and roll and store for 2 days. then rinse and start working it.

as for whats wrong .I just can't seem to got them soft I worked the last one for 5 days.I thought it was beautiful. FINALLY the next day it was stiff as a board.

if its stiff that means there is still moisture in it when you believe you have finished. the only other thing i could tell ya would be that the membrane is still on the hide. after you fleshed it did you dry scrape the hide . if not thats the problem. string it up in the rack and rescrape. when your done scraping use some pumice stone or even sand paper to open up the hide. then rebrain. if there are no more brains mix a dozen eggs in a 1/2 gallon of warm, not hot, water. it works just like brains. best to do hair on in a very warm area or outside on a hot day. it dries faster so you dont have to stretch the hide for 12 hrs till it is complete. good luck . peace

TY jamie Ill try it that way... and thanx for the egg bit Thats something I didnt know....can you actually use eggs for the whole process??


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