I grew up during the "War" in Cody, Wyoming. There were no TVs, freezers, or spending money! You could get a red rubber innertube from the gas station for free. The Saturday movie cost 14cents if you could sell enough milk bottles to afford it and watching the pictures of the war let us know it's progress! In the fall a dollar would buy a l00# sack of potatoes and 50cents would buy a sack of beans from the then called "Jap Camp" if you could afford it. If you wanted something you built it! There were two locker plants in town and we filled ours with wild game. Us kids could hitch hike anywhere with our fishing poles, bows, or 22 if you had one. We sold magpies for 5cents, prairie dogs for a penny, jack rabbits in the winter for a quarter and were lucky to break even with 22 shells costing 36cents. My sling shot, sling, bow, and single shot Stevens Junior were my weapons. We hunted and fished year around. Every family had a coupon book and the women traded with each other for the things they could afford to buy. If you wanted something you made it! Even in collage in Laramie I shot and sold jack rabbits to help with the expenses. So when did I start the primitive life? You could say I was born into it! Joe