Realized I wasn't using the sinew much and had a lot of dead weight toward the tips so I opened a can of worms

It is Pearlies fault for talkin about if he has a bow that he doesn't shoot, it gets fixed or scrapped (or something to that effect)
Thanks Chris, it was pretty fun actually.
Tried reflexing the tips and one of them cracked beyond help and ended up cut down to 48".
So I made some tip extensions from maple that notched over the end of bow to be flush with belly and put on with epoxy.
Put a little more sinew down center and tied in to tips a bit and wrapped with sinew.
Found this light material in second hand store and it made a cool pattern with TB3 and amber shellac, then wipe on poly x3.
Came out 53" t-t
62# at 27"
NOW I can focus on the trade bow

58" t-t from 2" sapling harvested n Kansas last May. 46# @ 27". 3 courses Elk sinew. I almost sent this to the firewood pile cause it had some twist and sideways curve, which it still does. I wanted some practice with sinew so this was the first. Kept it in a wide heat duct in the same room as the wood stove for the winter and wanted it sealed up before the thaw, (if it ever does, the yard in the pic now has 4 inches snow over it since this morning).
About 1" string follow after unstrung and none later. Painted it with crushed charcoal mixed with TBIII and thinned a bit, then made art with acrylic paints. Sealed up with poly, then several coats shellac and then poly over that. Hay bail sisal twine handle with purse leather rest and strike. I had a major shellac issue so I ended up painting that part of the belly.
I finally get to post something finished

Hope you all like it.
Marco DuBois