Josh, thanks. I like the looks of the texture, I just don't like the feel of it, so you're correct that I want to fill the voids.
Pat, I do thinks a paint job would be great. I'm just not that talented of a painter. But, I may give it my best try.

Josh, thanks for you kind words about the tiller. This bow is A LOT of first for me. For a pyramid bow it really shouldn't have those long of levers. But, I couldn't get it to bend more there. Maybe the slight flip tips are coming into play with the angles. (a light bulb just went off. Isn't learning fun) The early draw weight seems good. The string really twangs a brace. While I've at time hated this red oak board build, I'm learning to accept the characteristics of red oak. BUT, give me an osage stave any day.