I thought about putting this in Around the Campfire, but decided it probly fits better here. If it gets moved that's fine too

I've been wanting to try tempering a whole bow over hot coals for some time now, and finally got around to doing it. I have 3 hickory pyramid bows I'm working on that all needed a good tempering and a little reflex. My plan was to tiller to brace, reverse string and set'em over the hot coals, and do all three at one time (saves me a WHOLE lotta time with my heat gun). I have a bunch of bricks from when they built our house, so i made a temporary fire pit:

Fortunately being a bowmaking addict means you have plenty of scrap wood!
Here she is all fired up. Those smallish scraps made a perty hot fire:

Bows strung and tempering:

You can see that the bows are reflexing more mid-limb as they heat up. I was kind of afraid of that but was prepared for it to happen. I hoped that i could keep them heating uniformly by shifting the coals around, but it obviously didn't work. To boot, as i rotated and changed positions of the three staves, i noticed the strings began to slack, so i took them off and all three held the reflex they had. Probably means they weren't dry before this (same batch as the one i previously posted that took 5" of reflex off my 3" reflex caul):

I left them on to temper a while longer and darken up a bit, also tweaked them some. Here's a shot of the belly of two of them. A nice dark chocolate color:

I like the uniformity i got on the tempered sections... much more appealing than i get with my heat gun. These sat on the fire for a total of about 20 minutes. That's awesome. I can use my heat gun to tweak the limbs to a profile i like in pretty short order. Still saved a ton of time!!!
I've got two white oak pyramids slated for this same treatment next weekend. Here are my thoughts (aka lessons learned):
1. Cut wood for coals into smaller chunks for a bit of a slower burn and more consistent heating.
2. Put the bows over the coals flat so the heating/tempering is even, then after 10 - 20 minutes clamp them immediately to a full length form while still hot to provide nice even reflexing.
I'd love to hear y'alls thoughts and comments, suggestions and critiques as well!