Thank you kindly fellers!

Rich...I just like havin a nice even tiller. The problem with board bows is that there's no character to hide my screw ups

. Dave..don't let the fact that i made this on the road throw ya. Almost every bow I make is at least partially if not mostly made on the road. I spend on average 300 days a year on the road. What little time I have at home is spent with momma and the kids. I only spend a couple hrs in my workshop when I'm home and that is usually when everyone is asleep. So, if I wanna get anything made, I have to do it on the road. Now, if i could just figure out how to mount my band saw to the bumper....

. Lane...I don't reckon I could make a shooter out of a popsicle stick. But I bet Rich could! Of course he would probably shorten it up some. I don't think he likes his hunting bows that long.

. Thanks again fellas! Josh