I've been working a horribly S shaped stave and was trying to put a reflex kick into one limb to match the other. I messed up, for all the usual reasons (impatience, should have used steam or a load of oil and gone slower)
Anyhow a big crack opened up right across the belly about 1/4" deep.

Next morning it's still clamped up so I doused it with low viscosity superglue, unclamped it and braced it.
I've since tillered it back to over 70# at 28" !!!

It's an ugly stave but I reckon it's earned the right to shoot some arrows

Because it's in compression I figured it should be ok in theory, but I was half expecting it to explode, so i went at it in a cavalier manner.
Gotta admire what Yew can put up with!
Short vid clip here... I warn you she's damn ugly!
http://bowyersdiary.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/experimenting-with-cracked-bow.htmlHere's a pic of the crack!

It's so big I was thinking of offering helicopter rides around inside it
