Great looking bow, gorgeous tiller.
I'd reduce the bulk of the bridges as much as you can.
Rub a soft pencil on the string in that area and the after shooting it a bit you'll see where the string actually sits on the bridge. You can then trim off a lot of the spare wood (or are they leather? I think wood or horn would be better*)
Same thing with the height of the bridge. Ask yourself what the bridge is actual there for, how high does it have to be to achieve the task.
Fill in a weight/benefit analysis and risk assesment form for the bridge


Mind they aren't all that much too big, some you see are daft and must weigh as much as the arrow

Nice arrow pass too.
*Dunno. Leather will cushion the impact but may add friction and not be so hard wearing? I'd favour polished horn myself, but I don't claim to have much experience ... only ones I've done were Ash.