Have seen the saying "If you ain't breaking, you ain't making". Well I am now officially making. After making 12 bows from staves - all that shoot (some not so good

) and none that broke, I decided to try a board bow. Picked out the best 1X4 8 foot hickory I could find at Menards and started in.
At 23 inches she blew....fortunately on the tillering tree!
I think I stressed it too much when first trying to brace. Things looked good at 3" of brace. I tried to increase the brace a bit and over stressed it and heard a crack - one limb raised a splinter and the limb separated along the edge. Being stubborn, I glued her up good and backed with some jute. Obviously it didn't work. Well it did until 23"

Going back to a mulberry stave I have been working on.