since they are in Iraq you could name the bow(s) Turisas (an ancient Finnish god of war) and Ukko (the greatest god and the god of thunder in Finnish mythology).
You could also go for Thor and Tyr. Thor is a god of war and thunder in viking mythology and the son of Odin, the main god and Freya, the goddess of beauty. Tyr is mainly known as the god of war in viking mythology.
You could also go for Ahti and Ukko. Ahti is the god and the spirit of the sea and water, known also as the god of fishing in Finnish mythology
Marie: Have you red Kalevala? if not then how do you know all of this?
We Finns have a very strong bond to our ancient religion, despite the fact that the Swedish people came and forced finland into Christianity with the armys of the Christian kingdom. (the whole Europe at the time). It still took them almost 300 years to settle Christianity here. Finlands area was the last place in Europe without Christianity and with the heathen religions. You can see this bond for example in the major company names. The forest company is named Tapiola. One of the major banks is named Sampo. The item that Väinämöinen and his companions went to retrieved form Louhi, the witch of the north. Sampo was an item that produced wealth like no other. It gave endless amounts of salt, weed, and gold.
One of our biggest war ships in the 2nd world war was named Väinämöinen.
DanaM: I just found out that I have quite a few relatives in Michigan's upper peninsula from my fathers side. Talk about a small world huh