Author Topic: What's your FPS?  (Read 25687 times)

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Offline Squirrelslayer

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2013, 07:50:11 am »
125 is very very good for that weight,  ??? :-\

really? maybe my scales are wrong  :-\  it's definatly under 20# so maybe it's correct :D SS
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Offline Pappy

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2013, 09:16:19 am »
 ???  :)  :-\
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline crwjr

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2013, 09:26:29 am »
So Pappy my Mollegabet redoak board bow is 65" ttt, it's #40 at 26", and an avg speed of 132fps not sure the arrow weight but I'm guessing close to 500gr total. Does that sound respectful? I made it light so my wife and kids can enjoy shooting it. But my next one I'm hoping for around #55/60. I really like the Mollegabet style bow. And by the way you have a beautiful collection of Bows. I would love to come down to Clarksville and check them out in person.
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Offline Del the cat

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2013, 09:27:14 am »
125 is very very good for that weight,  ??? :-\

really? maybe my scales are wrong  :-\  it's definatly under 20# so maybe it's correct :D SS
I remember one of the guys here posting that he used to run into probs at flight shoots when his bows were all a couple of pounds over weight until he reasised he wasn't allowing for the extra physical weight of the scales.
When I read that, I scampered off to the garage to weigh the scales.

My big scales weigh two pounds, so I adjust 'em to read 2# 'cos even with no tension on 'em at all, as they are still hanging that 2# on the string.

Most approximations and rules of thumb stop being any good at some weight or other.
Like Pappy's 3 times the weight, isn't going to be right at 10# draw weight, but is fine at 50# !
Also miniature bows can give some surprisingly high speeds.
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Offline Squirrelslayer

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2013, 09:29:12 am »
125 is very very good for that weight,  ??? :-\

really? maybe my scales are wrong  :-\  it's definatly under 20# so maybe it's correct :D SS
I remember one of the guys here posting that he used to run into probs at flight shoots when his bows were all a couple of pounds over weight until he reasised he wasn't allowing for the extra physical weight of the scales.
When I read that, I scampered off to the garage to weigh the scales.

My big scales weigh two pounds, so I adjust 'em to read 2# 'cos even with no tension on 'em at all, as they are still hanging that 2# on the string.

yes i see what you mean. but i factored in the weight of the scales. SS
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Offline Holten101

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2013, 09:31:43 am »
All my bows are in the 45-55# range and my arrows 35-45 grams. 150 fps disapoints me, 160 fps are keepers, 170 fps im proud of, 175 fps is my goal, 181 fps is my record.

That being "go to bows" always end up being the ones that are "sweet shooters" (no/little hand chock, smooth draw an accurate), fps ends up being a minor factor;-)

« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 09:35:22 am by Holten101 »

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #21 on: April 09, 2013, 10:30:22 am »
I'm not frowning. I just don't own one. :) Jawge
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Offline twisted hickory

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2013, 10:37:29 am »
All my bows are in the 45-55# range and my arrows 35-45 grams. 150 fps disapoints me, 160 fps are keepers, 170 fps im proud of, 175 fps is my goal, 181 fps is my record.

That being "go to bows" always end up being the ones that are "sweet shooters" (no/little hand chock, smooth draw an accurate), fps ends up being a minor factor;-)

Sounds like you have tinkered a bit with fps. I don't think its the end all but whats the recipie for getting a fast shooter. I have made 6 bows so far and one thing I have noticed is keeping the tips narrow seems to help.

Offline hedgeapple

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2013, 10:49:15 am »
I've never shot thru a crono.  I would like at some point just to see.  But, last year a missed a doe at 20 yards.  The arrow hit in the ground before she jump.  Same think with a couple bunnies hang around my stand.  So I figure that's plenty fast enough.

Now squirrel on the other hand have jump the string on me.  But those little buggers are FAST.
Dave   Richmond, KY
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Offline autologus

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2013, 11:12:21 am »
Now squirrel on the other hand have jump the string on me.  But those little buggers are FAST.

The secret to hitting the squirrels is to give them a head fake to get them in the air then shoot them on the way down.  ;)

Proud Hillbilly from Arkansas.

Offline Pat B

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #25 on: April 09, 2013, 11:20:02 am »
A few years ago I shot one of my bows through a chrone. I was so disappointed in the numbers I never did it again and don't care to do it again. My bows shoot well and plenty good enough for hunting and 3D so it really doesn't matter what the chrono numbers are.  ;)
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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #26 on: April 09, 2013, 11:23:42 am »
Yah, your bows usually look like dogs Pat.................doesnt suprise me!
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Offline crwjr

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2013, 11:29:26 am »
I can understand having your hopes up and then reality hits and the numbers are not there. But I still like to have an idea of what my bow can do, plus my chrono was bought for my reloads but I have yet to fire a bullet through it :) having to much fun with my bows lol. I think it would be interesting to see what designs work better, snaky, backed with different materials, D shapes longer bows or shorter ones, the different woods and so on. That would be a fun day at the range!! 
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Offline stringstretcher

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2013, 11:32:56 am »
After working on the other kind of bow for years, and trying to get every FPS out of them I could, it is nothing but a pure pleasure to see my arrow going to a target, and if I concentrate real hard, I think I could count the fletching rotations.....that is plenty fast for this old boy now day.

Offline kevinsmith5

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2013, 11:51:51 am »
I've used my reloading chronograph some on my bows, but it got pointless after awhile. My favorite bow is a bamboo backed hickory that pulls 81 lbs at 31" and with the arrows I shoot out if it it runs 170-175 fps....which is slower than many of my bows. But I don't shoot 32 1/2" long 3/8" thick poplar shafts with 145 grain heads out of those other bows. It hits like a sledge hammer at 35 yards and I can put 6 of 6 in a paper plate :) that's what matters.