125 is very very good for that weight,
really? maybe my scales are wrong it's definatly under 20# so maybe it's correct SS
I remember one of the guys here posting that he used to run into probs at flight shoots when his bows were all a couple of pounds over weight until he reasised he wasn't allowing for the extra physical weight of the scales.
When I read that, I scampered off to the garage to weigh the scales.
My big scales weigh two pounds, so I adjust 'em to read 2# 'cos even with no tension on 'em at all, as they are still hanging that 2# on the string.
Most approximations and rules of thumb stop being any good at some weight or other.
Like Pappy's 3 times the weight, isn't going to be right at 10# draw weight, but is fine at 50# !
Also miniature bows can give some surprisingly high speeds.