Two weeks ago my stave stash was down to nothing but questionable bow wood at best and very little of it. On a saturday a friend
called and said he was cutting a few trees behind the horse barn and that I should get over there for some potential bow wood.

On the way I drove by the property in the following photos and hit the jackpot. This property was being cleared, 13 acres, for future
development. I stopped and got permission to take all I wanted from the man clearing the site. I grabbed some buckthorn that was
cut and piled then went on to my friends and got some more buckthorn and some walnut. Then, before I headed home I got a call
from Paul Semp to come by his house and he generously gave me staves of osage, mulberry and hackberry.

So since that day two weeks ago I've been back to the 13 acre site to collect more buckthorn as well as black locust which should
keep myself, Paul and some others that I've promised staves to busy for awhile.
Also in the photos is a pic of 15 yr. old Josh, son of the gentleman clearing the 13 acre site, shooting a hickory Lenape inspired bow
I took along to give to him in appreciation of the bounty of bow wood his father allowed me to have. Josh was thrilled to have the
bow and is hooked on archery now I believe. Anyway heres some pics.