Author Topic: Cresting/fletching wrap jig  (Read 9792 times)

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Offline hedgeapple

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Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« on: April 06, 2013, 02:24:27 am »
I made this jig about a year ago when I thought I'd like to crest my arrows.  While I rarely crest arrows, I have found this jig to great for wrapping thread around fletchings.  I've considered doing a build-along for the jig and after several positive comments at Moon Tree gathering and a couple pm's about a picture Blackhawk post, I finally decided to it.

Here's the picture of my first jig. 
Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw

Offline hedgeapple

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2013, 02:36:01 am »
I've made 3 more of these jigs that I'll be bring to the Classic.  Here's the specs:
They are made from a 1x4 (3/4x3 3 1/2) oak board.
The base is 20"
The dowel upright is 4 1/2"
The arrow shaft upright is 4"
The dowel is 3/4"  That about as smal as you can go. You could 7//8 or 1".  I used 3/4" because I had them and washers that would fit them.

On the 4 1/2" dowel upright piece find the center and measure down an inch.  This will be the center for the 3/4" hole that the dowel will sping in.

After you drill the 3/4" hole allign this piece with the 4" arrow shaft upright, lower your 3/4" drill bit thru the hole to score the arrow rest upright.  This will center your dowel and the arrow shaft.
Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2013, 02:41:02 am »
Now drill a 3/8" hole using that mark as center.  If you use larger shafts drill a larger hole to accomodate them.  Mark the top of this board 3/8" on both sides of the center of the board/hole.  The draw a line from those marks to the edge of the hole to creat a triangle arrow shaft rest.

Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw

Offline hedgeapple

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2013, 03:01:14 am »
Your frame is now cut out.  It's time for the hard part, drilling holes in the dowel to accomodate the arrow nock, a pen in the hole to clip on the arrow nock and holes for the carter pens to hold the dowel in place.

Cut a piece of dowel 4" long.

Drilling a hole in the center of the dowel is the most challenging part of building this jig.  I made a jig to hold the dowel with a clamp to help insure stability while I was drilling the hole.  To make the jig drill a 3/4" hole length wise thru a 2/4 that is 3" long.  Then cut it in half thru the center of the whole.

Finding the center of a dowel is a tricky part for me.  The center of a 3/4" dowel is 3/8". I'd put a dot at 3/8" as close to center is I could eye ball.  Then I would draw a series of line across the end of the dowel again eye balling as close to center as possible.  I would end up with a dot in the center where all (most) of the lines crossed.  Use a punch as a starter hole for a small drill bit.  Then clamp the dowel in the jig you just made.  Use the small drill hole to line up a 3/8" bit.  Drill a 1 1/8" hole thru the end of the dowel.
Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw

Offline hedgeapple

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2013, 03:08:44 am »
A 3/8" hole in the end of the dowel will not accomodate some nocks.  The allow for larger nocks, I taper the openning of the hole with a drill grinding bit that I tapered from a conical bit using my grinder.  I put the conical bit in a drill, turn on the grinder with the drill turn one direction and the grinder turning the opposite direction.  Once the taper bit was made, I used it to bore out a tape in the 3/8" hole so my largest nock would slide into the hole.

Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw

Offline hedgeapple

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2013, 03:25:04 am »
The next step is going to be drilling a small hole through the nock hole so you can put a pen (nail) through it that the arrow nock can snap onto.  I put a nock in the hole to see how far it goes into the hole, mark the nock then make a corresponding spot on the dowel where I'll drill my nock pen hole.  I found that 3/8" deep was the norm.  I know this sound pretty complicated.  I'll get more pictures of this process up soon.

I used a drill bit that would snap into my plastic nock.  A #6 nail would probably work perfectly for the pen.  But, I didn't have one.  So I ground down a #8 nail.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 03:48:14 am by hedgeapple »
Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2013, 03:45:48 am »
Again, I appologize for not having better/more photos of the previous step.  I'll try to add them in the next couple of day.  On with the build-along.

The nock hold and nock pen are done.  Now, you need to set the dowel in the dowel upright.  Slide the dowel through the hole in the upright, slide the washers on the dowel.  You'll probably see that it centers 1" from each end to the washers.  Estimating the thickness of your carter pen, put a pencil dot on the dowel and drill a hole for the pen thru the center of the dowel.  Now slide the dowel back thru the hold with the washed and pen in place.  Slide the other washer on the opposite side of the dowel upright and mark it. 
NOTE: error close to the washer and use as small of a drill bit as you can for the carter pen to slide through.  That way if the hole is to close (the pen won't go through or it's just to tight for the dowel to turn freely, you can use a big drill bit to loosen the tention.  Otherwise you'll have to drill another hole or use another washer to fill the gap or both.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 03:49:07 am by hedgeapple »
Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2013, 03:55:34 am »
Let's add the crank.  I use a old fishing reel crank that I cut in half.  I drill a hold through the and and a pilot hole thru the opposite end of the dowel from where the nock hole is located. I glue the hand to the dowel with grorilla glue and I put a pen in to keep the handle from unscrewing on the dowel.

Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw

Offline hedgeapple

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2013, 04:00:39 am »
Now lets assemble the beast.  When it comes to making stuff that I don't want to come apart, I follow the rule of "glue it and screw it" To assemble the frame I drill pilot holes, apply TBIII and screw it down.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 04:05:21 am by hedgeapple »
Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2013, 04:07:36 am »
Well talking through this build-along I realize there are some pictures missing, like the finished project and it in use.  I'll try to solve that problem this weekend.
Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw

Offline stringstretcher

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2013, 11:10:04 am »
I really like this and will have one very similar to it real soon.  With these old hands that like to lock up now and then, this will be a huge help.  Thanks for posting this.

Offline TRACY

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2013, 12:16:08 pm »
Awesome Dave! I'm glad you decided to do this. I really liked yours and have a tough time replicating things with out a visual. Ozzy was talking last night about getting the materials to put one together and start straightening/making arrows. Thanks man!

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2013, 07:33:06 pm »
I think I recognize that arrow in that first pic you got there lol ;D

Offline hedgeapple

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2013, 01:18:23 am »
Ozzy, have you put a point on that arrow yet and shot it?  I'm hoping to see that arrow in your quiver at the classic.
Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw

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Re: Cresting/fletching wrap jig
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2013, 01:38:53 am »
Not yet but I will by the time I get that bow shooting and sadly I won't make the classic  :(