Hello everyone. I have a beautiful straight osage stave that I can't wait to get started on. My draw length is 30" and I am aiming for a minimum of 85lbs. Please note that I am not looking to adhere to the strict rules of the ELB with the rounded belly design in the D shaped cross section. I am looking at a flatbow design. I use 30" arrow shafts and I draw the full length of the arrow. Right now my favorite bow is a 75lb hickory sapwood selfbow made out of a board that is 60" and can be drawn to my 30" draw length but with a bit of finger pinch. I have thought about the layout for this bow and I have come up with some proposed dimensions for it:
1) Length tip to tip: 70" ( I would like to go shorter if I can, but I want to accomodate for the 30" draw, so I am open to 70")
2)Handle section: 4" (1" above center, 3" below center)
3)Length of fades from handle: 1.5"
4)Width of limbs at fades: 1.5" (I think 1.75" would be sluggish in this design, but many have told me that wider limbs were good for osage selfbows in flatbow designs)
5)Taper: 1.5" at fades, taper to 1.25" at midlimb, taper to .5" at tips.
6)Thickness: 5/8" parallel limb thickness for starters
7)Arrow shelf will be cut into riser, preferably center-shot
Knowing my draw length at 30" and my desired minimum draw weight of 85lbs, I am most curious as to the length of the bow, width of the limbs at the fades, and taper design I should be looking at here. Any suggestions for these dimensions in particular would be very much appreciated! Thank you!