Hi chaps im Dean from a 'not so sunny' Swansea in South Wales uk. How you doing

I am fulfilling a life long ambition of making my first proper Welsh Yew Longbow. I've had my eyes open for the last 2 years or so for a nice piece of Welsh yew. They are very few and far between and it's been a right old task of finding a suitable piece that is long enough without too many imperfections. They all tend to be crooked old beasts with no straights whatsoever.
A tree surgeon buddy of mine put me on to this other tree surgeon friend of his who had a few pieces of Welsh Yew that he had cut down in Carmarthenshire 15 years previous. I shot up his yard and found a few lengths which were quite crooked (big surprise right) and had some nasty splits running the length of them. He said they had been under his dry but open shed for the 15 years or so. From the bunch that he had i found a piece i could possibly get a 5ft bow from. I squeezed an extra inch from that prediction and got a 61nner

There's also a piece where i can make a 100mm mini Welsh Longbow for my 4yr old daughter. He also gave me a horn that he had butchered around the same time, all for a tenner

Here is the pick below of the elusive, enigmatic beast that it is. I have roughed out the shape which is currently D section, 27mm wide centre @ 30mm depth, gently tapering averagely down to 14mm wide tips @ 15mm depth. There is currently a 10mm set at the widest point.
Before i start tillering and possibly making a complete tit of myself i would love to hear any suggestions and tips that will help me get to the, hopefully successful finished article. It's turned out to be a beautiful piece of Yew although it does have a couple of vertical hairline cracks in the centre of the sap wood a few inches in length.
I whipped a bit of bailing chord on it today and at 70lb it's giving me just a 2.5 inch brace height

This is my first ever bow and only know the basics so any tips i would appreciate immensely.
Thanks in advance