Ill begin by saying this bow is 62" long, about 55#@28", and has .5" of natural reflex. I made my first bow last year and was fortunate enough to harvest a doe with it this past bow season. Needless to say im extremely hooked and could not wait to start another bow.
I made this bow ambidextrous because i just recently found out i am right eyed dominant. So i figured i would add a second shelf and try out the right handed ways. (even though left is best!
What i like best about this bow is that it has check marks from tip to tip. I think it is pretty cool i was able to make a shooting bow out of an all cracked up piece of wood. I had to wrap sinew right above the top fade, because a piece was lifting up on the back. That would have caused some major future problems.
The leather wrapped around the handle is from the hide of my Grandfathers first deer. He shot that deer over 50 years ago and recently gave me the hide to use on my bows. That makes this one pretty special!