Author Topic: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.  (Read 5510 times)

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Offline twisted hickory

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advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« on: April 02, 2013, 02:07:23 pm »
I have been working on the self bow that had a bad prop twist and the string was out of line from the handle. I posted picts of it while ago. Now another problem; I went out and shot the bow about 50 times after appling 3 coats of varnish to the bow and I was steel wooling the bow to apply the final coat and noticed a very small sliver of wood coming off of the back of the bow. This is the second one and they are lifting on the back where the cambium is left on the bow. I left some of the cambium layer on the bow to give the back a camoflage look. Splinters are not lifting on the actual wood but not sure. Any suggestions? Attached is a pict of where the splinter lifted. I applied two coats of fletch cement which seemd to hold stop further splinters from rising in the area of the first splinter.
Should I back the bow? Or just keep shooting it to see if she blows up? I have alot of time invested in the bow so far and it shoots arrow very fast. It is 64 lbs at 27 inches and shots a 660 grain arrow quite fast. I am amazed how fast. This is bow number 6 for me and the fastest yet. Hate to lose her due to the back giving out. Suggestions appriciated!

« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 02:11:58 pm by twisted hickory »

Offline DarkSoul

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 07:34:34 pm »
It's only the cambium that is popping off the wood. Not something to worry about unless that cambium is very thick. What wood is it?

The cambium popping off might leave spots of unfinished wood, since it will also take off the varnish you applied over the cambium. Other than that, it is nothing to worry about.
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Offline Thesquirrelslinger

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2013, 07:44:46 pm »
The cambium is just a softer outer layer of the wood. sort of an inner bark.. that is quite weak, but fiberous. ignore it but pay attention to the sealing.
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Offline Christian Soldier

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2013, 07:46:24 pm »
I've had this exact thing happen on one of my hickory bows where the camibum was a bit thick. Honestly, its probably going to keep happening, at least it did with me.

The solution is to either scrape off all the cambium or just scrape it much thinner so it bends easier and is under less stress (just like a normal bow) then re finish/seal it.

Either or, but the actual wood part of the bow is most likely fine.
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Offline twisted hickory

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2013, 10:42:27 pm »
The stave was shag bark hickory that I cut on Christmas day. Got 14 staves out of it that are nearly perfectly straight.  ;)
I was thinking it was cambium as the little splinters didn't really look like a splinter lifting. I have yet to break a bow but have extensive wood working experience but I still am kinda new to this. This was the bow I posted about that after I layed it out it was as straight but when you strung it it was a mess. A couple of heat treats later and its all good now.
Thanks much for the advice guys.
My mind is more at ease now I can continue making a batch of arrows for it and now wonder if the bow is gonna blow on me then I have a batch of 650 grain arrows and no bow heavy enough to shoot them.  ;D Ya never know with wood though she might go any ways... If it wasn't for the way the cambium worked out after dyeing the wood I would have backed it with rawhide.

Offline Joec123able

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2013, 11:07:29 pm »
Well it's not often you see hickory bows pop splinters just because of the fact that hickory is so good in tension
I like osage

Offline twisted hickory

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2013, 12:32:54 am »
Well it's not often you see hickory bows pop splinters just because of the fact that hickory is so good in tension
That is what I was thinking as the back has not been violated at all but I wasn't sure having only built 6 bows (actually 5 1/2 as the one pictured is not done yet), need to add a rest and handle as well as twist up a string for it.

Offline Pappy

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2013, 07:49:38 am »
I sometimes leave a little of the cambium on for camo effect but never leave it thick
because of that problem. I would scrape it much thinner and just maybe leave a little is the grooved areas.It will pop off anyway and you take a chance of it bringing some of the back with it,not worth the chance for me. :)safety and prevention is almost always the way I go about building a bow. :) Catch it before it does something you will regret and think O man I wished I hadn't done that. :)
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Offline twisted hickory

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2013, 09:24:13 am »
I am kicking that idea around pappy. I don't want to touch the back as it looks really cool now it is a mix of black, grey, white and a copper color that shows as you turn the bow in the light. Of course looks doesn't out perform how it works. Not even in women ;)


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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2013, 10:34:04 am »
I'm with pappy....I'd scrape and make sure its all thinned down....then sand it really good up to a fine grit of sandpaper....and make sure there's no lil loose fibres sticking up....then refinish....and it might even be better and safer to just remove it all since its showing to be weak cambium....I've seen several hickory bows break because of too much cambium left on(not mine),and it broke and took the wood back with it

Offline twisted hickory

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2013, 11:18:46 pm »
After spending the day thinking about it I am going to chance it. I will watch it real close and hope for the best. I'm doing a ladies bow the same way but the cambium is very thin. If she blows up on me guess I will get the chance to build another. :)
Thanks guys
Will post Picts when both are done in a few weeks. I'm working and in school so time is limited

Offline Pappy

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2013, 07:14:26 am »
Feeling lucky I guess. :-\ ??? Ant really sure why you ask.  :-\
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline twisted hickory

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2013, 09:01:04 am »
Well, some of the guys say its not much of a problem other say it could be. I asked cause I just wasn't sure. What will most likely happen is it will raise another splinter and I will be not so happy for it so I will just do what you suggested anyways ::)
I am hopeing it won't raise any more. I don't want to lose the bow though as it is really a sweet shooter and fast as well.

Offline Fred Arnold

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2013, 09:45:25 am »
I would reread all of the responses to my question and pay close attention to the answers given by the gentlemen with the most experience. Since you say you want to save this one and take no chances on ruining it, it's a "no brainer" in my eyes.
I found many years ago that it is much easier and more rewarding working with those that don't know anything than those that know it all.

Offline twisted hickory

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Re: advice needed on self bow lifting small splinters.
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2013, 11:09:06 am »
I would reread all of the responses to my question and pay close attention to the answers given by the gentlemen with the most experience. Since you say you want to save this one and take no chances on ruining it, it's a "no brainer" in my eyes.
Your right Fred and Pappy,
Should I just carefullly use my scraper and remove the 4 coats of varnish then the cambium? Or should I use some sort of stripper to take the varnish off? I would think just scraper would be okay but not sure. Then I  will back with a snake skins. It is extra work but this bow is worth it. I guess there is a learning curve to this stuff and the voice of experience has spoken, don't want to be too hard headed ::)