The stave was shag bark hickory that I cut on Christmas day. Got 14 staves out of it that are nearly perfectly straight.
I was thinking it was cambium as the little splinters didn't really look like a splinter lifting. I have yet to break a bow but have extensive wood working experience but I still am kinda new to this. This was the bow I posted about that after I layed it out it was as straight but when you strung it it was a mess. A couple of heat treats later and its all good now.
Thanks much for the advice guys.
My mind is more at ease now I can continue making a batch of arrows for it and now wonder if the bow is gonna blow on me then I have a batch of 650 grain arrows and no bow heavy enough to shoot them.

Ya never know with wood though she might go any ways... If it wasn't for the way the cambium worked out after dyeing the wood I would have backed it with rawhide.