Hello!! A great thanks to you all! Im both happy and staggered with the response I got, I really wasn't expecting such a reception. Your replies have given me some brilliant insight and certainly raised my confidence! I didn't realise I could play with it so soon..

and there really only is so many times you can watch videos of people making bows on youtube n that before you have to ask a few questions. Where I had a bit of a confusing mental hurdle, now I can now see the next steps I need to take.
It seems I have completely underestimated the value of a good hatchet! Although I have somewhat of a problem with my current lack of tools, it does afford me the advantage of being able to build my toolbox from scratch. Is it worth getting a straight bitted carpenters hatchet, as opposed to a woodsman style one that curves back towards the handle? Is there a possibility that the straight bit of a carpenter hatchet could fill in for a draw knife?
I'm back at my parents for another week but ill get onto splitting it asap.. once i've got a hatchet sorted and made a few wooden wedges no doubt! Ive heard about people 'steering the split' is this a thing? Ive not got experince with a piece of wood this long. I do have experience of splitting small, short wood burning stove sized logs for fires, but they sometimes came apart in one whack, and if they didn't you could pick up the log with the axe imbedded in it to strike it against the block andthrew. Even then the objective was to just get pieces a rough size as it would be burnt, accuracy wasn't important. The grain of the log is very straight and there are few knots, as it was selected by the tree surgeon for bow making. How many pieces should I look to get out of it? 4?
I'm not in a big massive crazy rush to get on to tillering before its ready. Im definitely willing to give it the time it needs to dry, I just wanted to know more about the properties of Ash and get some second opinions about the time frame i'm looking at. I love Hazel, I dunno why its just lush, all springy n that.. + there is always a bush of it! Taking some doesn't kill it (I don't think) which is always nice. Im definitely going to try to make a bow with hazel, thanks for that idea.
Ill check out the bowyers bible. As I will not have internet in the caravan a decent book will be very helpful.
Lol yes hello to U,Kers (see shat i did there..

) and hello to every one else. Im fluent in imperial too so don't hesitate to say inches etc to me.. In fact id rather you'd stay with what your comfortable with.. I made an african harp where an American had translated the measurements into Millimetres, the poor guy got a bit muddled and we had to do some guessing!
@WillS lol surfing Bournemouth you must be mad! Although i can sympathise with HAVING to surf, wherever I was. Fortunately I have recently proclaimed myself king of my own life and as such chose to be in cornwall!

(for Americans who may not be familiar with our coastline, Cornwall is the very south west of our island. Bournemouth is a good way up the English channel which generally acts as a kind of massive natural harbour, which is why, for any Italians I always laugh about Caesar losing all his cavalry trying to cross the channel! lol Romans were dreadful sailors

) IF your actually getting paid to play the guitar your beating me though mate! lol On an imposrant side note do you have any experience with RSI? Ive had problems with unusual weakness in my arms and shoulders but just this week had a bad onset of pain in my left wrist as a direct result of a high amount of playing.
@Del Cheers for the hazel Idea, I will check it out. and LOL that made me chuckle for ages.
I coudn't find hardly any arrow heads online for sale, I was shocked. What do you gents do for the heads of your arrows? Also I can only think of One goose near me.. and one have experience fletching seagull feathers? lol
Thanks again to everyone, such a massive help. Ill keep you all posted!