So a little less than a month ago a harvested a small sapling. I peeled the bark off and let it dry in a corner for bout 3 weeks and recently i decided to make a bow out of it. It was a very clean, dense piece of serviceberry without much character. I heat treated the bow once which seemed to do the job of keeping set at bay.
I also have been working a deer hide. I cut some strips off of it that i'm keeping as rawhide and i'm gonna tan the main hide. One of the strips i used for the grip. It's a crude handle but hey i like the simple ones the best. I like these simple, but very usable designs much better than the ones i spend more time finishing.
This is also my first "not quite bend in the handle but close to it" bow. The handle area is very slightly narrowed on the shooting side, and the belly is oval. I can't wait to make more of these bows in the future, and with much heavier weights, too.
62" TtT
My INNACURATE scale said 88# at 25," so i ESTIMATE that the weight is SOMEWHERE AROUND 80# at 25." But don't believe anything i say about that lol