That's an excellent idea for a test JW. Want to try that at some point. Will be interesting to see how pure gelatin stacks up against hide glue. I've recently mixed the two for a sizing on a hickory bow I'm working on. This brings me to another point, which is the application of a hide glue sizing, something that is all too easy to mess up. I quickly realized, after my first try, that you have only seconds to smooth things out. If you try to correct it after that things become an awful mess. What I do now is to use a large spoon, emptying it over around 12 inches or so of the bow and then I smooth it down with the underside of the spoon which seems to work very well. Then I do an overlap on the next section, which will create a bump but this can be easily removed by fine-grit sandpaper. Maybe next time I'll use a paintbrush and see how that works.