Hey Squirrel, this isnt talking politics, its talking guns, ammo, and current news.
No rule breaking going on over here
Other than that...
Hey, VNB, I bet the Brits thought the same thing, what farmer will take up arms against the king of England? And on the flip side of that, back in the day, every citizen was armed, and the Gov still turned on them. ( now Squirrel, we are talking history, not politics ) The Brits thought their training was the advantage, also being more heavily armed than the citizen, and didnt hesitate to fire on citizens when they took up arms.
Dont think that it wouldnt happen again. It is the same thought process now as it was then. The citizens are armed, there fore they are protected, and the gov has bigger guns and training, so they are more powerful. Only in time of war can that Vs be settled.
I have lots I could add to this, but I am one of those ( paranoid ) folks that fears the Gov monitoring my communication, as I am on the terrorist watch list. Give you one guess why I am on that list. Some of you who know me may be able to figure it out.