hey Blackhawk, Dave and the guys @ the moontree shoot,
Been working on that snakey osage bow that popped and cracked when I pulled it back in the work shop. It started out at about 58# @ 28". First thing I did was put about 3" of reflex in it and then added some thin goat rawhide. It did have a bad hinge in it right where it cracked. I wanted so bad to have a bow at Daves to shoot I think I rushed the tiller the first time. I took my time this time and worked around the hinge, also keeping the other limb at the same level. It wasn't long before the hinge disappeared and with NO pops or cracks.

. Thanks Blackhawk for laying your hands on it and appling some superglue. I think your touch did the trick. At the moment, it shapes up to 47# @ 28" and I just got through shooting about 24 arrows with NO problems.

. I hope to shoot it a couple of hundred times before the classic, add some skins and bring it to the classic to show you guys.
Dave.......... thanks again for having everyone, and blackhawk for laying your hands on the bow.

See ya,